Friday, March 30, 2012

Yes, TGIF. This has been an unbelievably long week. It started on Sunday with what I thought was allergies that turned out to be the Monster Cold of the century. My doctor told me I'm a viral mess and shouldn't expect to feel better in less than a week, if not 10 days. With my girls off from school this has not been a fun week for them since I have not felt well enough to do anything at all so we've been stuck at home all week. We have to go out today as we have a BIG event tomorrow that we MUST attend and Marcie needs shoes. Of course.
But, you know, if that's the biggest issue I have today then it is sincerely all good. Because, for me, it really does come down to perspective. If I choose to focus on the fact that I don't feel well at all and the things I would have liked to do with the girls this week that will only feed the negativity and that is sincerely a dangerous, slippery slope. To know that I am fortunate to just have a cold, not the flu, and just a cold, not pneumonia, which I did have in 2010 and was hospitalized for 3 days and on oxygen for 2 weeks so, yes, it could always be worse. And I DO feel well enough to manage the few things that need to get done today. And my children have been an enormous help all week, whether they've been cooking or cleaning up the kitchen or entertaining themselves while I nap or sleep in. I am truly blessed to have such great kids. 
I guess my point today is perspective. It is always possible to change the way you look at things. And negative only feeds negative only nurtures negative only leads to more negative. So I will get ready to go out and do what I need to do and be glad to all I have. Huge, huge blessings in my life, all the way around.